User's Friendly Money Request System

Requesting money is an efficient and polite way of asking for money you're owed. Use IMO Transfer system to send money, receive money or transfer money from your nearest & dearest ones.

Importance of Request Money

This service enables you to request payments from your business clients, Family or Friends, right from your IMO Rapid Transfer account! You send your client a payment request, specifying the amount and a short note

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Complete request

Once you fill out the details of your payment request, email will be sent to your client on your behalf, with details of how much to pay you, Your client chooses their preferred amount or moethod of payment and sends the funds directly to your IMO Rapid Transferaccount.

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Discover new features Complete request

To get overdue payment from clients, small businesses should be persistent yet professional in requesting the late payment, with IMO Transfers Let enjoy safe online payments request

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